Ok so I’m a little behind on my WFD2 blog posts, been busy what can I say? One of the vendors that I was most interested in hearing from was Aerohive. If you haven’t heard of them you must be living under a rock or too heavily drinking your vendor of choice koolaid because they…
A different kind of wireless…
What do you get when you combine skills from an RC hobbyist with a Wireless Engineer? A remotely controllable truck with video down-link. Over the past few summers I’ve been learning how to fly RC airplanes and have been fairly successful at them being able to land an RC plane on the water and fly…
Hanging an AP: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Hopefully over the course of the next few weeks I’ll finally be able to go through all the equipment that I received from the recent Wireless Tech Field Day 2 and start putting up some posts, but in order to do so I had to first get them installed in my lab. Now most people…
New Year, New Adventure
Welcome to 2012, now if all the crazy folks are right this is the last year of life as we know right? Bringing in the new year this year also means the launch of a new online adventure that I’m working on along with a bunch of others. If you follow me on twitter, which…
Wireless Field Day 2: San Jose Jan 2012
Thanks to all the wonderful past Tech Field Day delegates and the great Gestalt staff I have been selected to attend the 2nd Wireless Field Day in San Jose January 25th to 27th. I’m really looking forward to this opportunity to see some of the products from some of the other vendors out there that…
I’m now known as a number!
Well the day has finally come where I regain a lot of spare time in my life, I no longer need to study for the CCIE Wireless lab. Yesterday I sat the lab at San Jose and finally got my digits. I was a little worried after my OEQs as I knew 2 of them…
CCIE-W v2 Written: Uhm, this is ready?
Cisco recently launched their beta for the CCIE Wireless v2 Written Exam and I figured what the heck for $50 I’ll give it a shot to see what happens. Now let’s clear some things up from the start, I took the v1 beta and got a 67 on it without much studying, then when it…
Cisco IP Phone Services: Unrecognized Benefit
This blog post originally was going to be simply about how I can turn on and off my home CCIE-W lab rack with my 7921 and 7970 IP Phones but when I started to think about how to develop the post I realized it could be much more. With increased functionality and benefits being all…
Cisco Live: Connecting Thousands
Recently 14,000+ technology geeks invaded Las Vegas for Cisco Live! 2011 at Mandalay Bay Convention Center. For me this was my 4th year in a row attending Cisco Live! and the 2nd in a row at Vegas. If you have never attending a Cisco Live! event in person I strongly suggest that you try to…
Cisco Live 2011 Day 1: CCIE-W Techtorial
Today marked the first official event for Cisco Live 2011 for me and it was a good one! I sat an 8 hour techtorial revolving around the CCIE Wireless program. I was a little bummed to hear that they were focusing on v2 which is out Nov 18th 2011, but by the end of the…